I miss the guided trip to Langkawi and KL so much I am actually sick the day after I returned. The fever is gone but i am now left with the painful throat. Swallowing anything including my saliva hurts. I blame it on me missing the extended weekend i had of course because really on that last day, we were returning back to reality which was what I so badly do not want. All i wanted was to holiday in Malaysia forever.
You know what I realised from my trip? I long for Malay companionship. As in fully surrounded by Malays, which was what I had in that 5 days. I really miss everything about the trip from the people in the guided tour to waiting for the bus to walking under the hot sun, everything. However my falling sick was most likely caused by, erratic sleep, bad food (I consumed lots and lots of sugar, i had Starbucks for 2 alternate days and I had western most of the time) and my parents who are sick too.
I will be back with more detailed updates of the trip so stay tune.
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