We then decided to relax at Macdonalds in the building next to it while waiting for ibu to finish work. I was craving for Mcflurry so i purchased 2 one for sheila and one for me and that was the first time a Mcflurry was worth my $2. It was DA BOMB! LOLS. Usually Mcflurry tastes like milk shake something i don't exactly like but yesterday the Mcflurry actually tasted like ice-cream! So nice. Even Sheila agreed!

Had a crazy time laughing. I would laugh whenever i tried to drink thanks to Sheila. It tickled my stomach when she looked at me. No idea why. It got a bit irritating though because there i was trying to hydrate myself and couldn't just because Sheila looked at me. Aiyoh. Aperlah nak jadi.
Spent my money entirely on food. haha. Wanted to get a water bottle but i kinda forgot. School's starting soon. Timetable is going to be out soon? I hope i don't have any classes that end at 9pm. TP is very scary at night btw.
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