Alhamdulillah. Finally after 8 or 9 years i have khatam/tamat/habis/finished the al-quran. I know it's a very long time but i made it. The finale was perfect. Everything fell into place. I finished the al-quran on the last day of ngaji before syawal. So no more I'm at ngaji now. I'll finish after 1. I'm quite lost and scared because idk where to go from here.
I'm gonna miss Cik Yah, my guru ngaji thank you so much for waiting, although you didn't actually wait. The makciks who accompanied me from 11 - 12 ++ pm. Hearing you guys talk was really annoying coz it'll be my turn and when 1 talked the convo will continue for 1/2 hr or so which resulted in me getting to go home late. However they are so fun to be around with. I think you all shud be surrounded by all ur makciks. The gossips i tell you, very informative. You get to know who hates who and know ur cousins way better. Ok that wasn't part of my ngaji post. lols.
Anyways, my dad surprised me earlier today with a new Sony Ericsson W595. It wasn't love at first sight but after exploring the phone i must say my new phone is so pretty. The blue colour is so contemporary and teh software more sophisicated. Love. I was really touched with the gift because i got to know that my dad wanted to get me something and didn't noe what. It's the thought that counts but more so, my dad used his plan to buy the hp wich is more expensive just because he wanted to surprise me. wow.
So yea, anyways, the other day someone knocked on our door at around 8 + pm after buke. We were waiting for isyak at that time. When i looked at the peep hole i saw a man. My dad asked me to open the door which i did (becoz my dad did the talking (:) and guess what? The man was selling KEROPOK! He looks irani. Maybe pakistani. Indian features with fair skin. So yea, my dad told us that the man was looking inside our house. Scary uh. Who knows maybe theres a pakcik keropok now..

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